Sunday, April 17, 2016

Entry # 5: A Thing

Hey, here's a thing: Thing
Go read it. 

Okay, let's talk. 
Before we talk about the article, though, let me get one thing out of the way: I think classes should take the full semester to complete. Anything faster than that kills the typical class layout that the public school system has tried so hard to engrave into our brains. I'm only in an 8-week course because I was an idiot and chose the wrong class number. I'm not bitter, I swear.  
The article introduces the concept and tries to sell it by saying students can finish faster and spend less money on tuition. Who doesn't like more money? Definitely not college students, we love more money. Sure, online courses have revolutionized school for the self-starter and self-learner but the whole concept of saving money draws more than those kind of people to these kinds of courses. 
But all of this talk of saving students money is a bit silly because, let's get real, since when do universities care about saving students money? These kinds of classes allow ASU to cut some of their less successful 'fast-class' courses so that they can be replaced by these lower maintenance courses designed to pump students through as fast as possible. It's ultimately more money for them because they can process more students this way. 

So reality for students only shifts from 


Maybe it will save students money in the long-run but is it really worth it? Are they really getting the kind of education that they want? Most people who have gone through the public school system can't cope with the kind of high stress and pressure that accelerated programs offer. 
But, as the article ends, "Everyone is different". 


  1. This is awesome I found myself laughing at your first portion! Sorry to hear about you singing up for the wrong class it happens to the best of us. I can see how you could find the shortened classes way to much and how the are possibly not the way to get the best education. I didn't even consider the fact that ASU is getting all this money for classes that could very possibly be half assed classes. Really enjoyed your take on the article and love that sound of music memes.

  2. I agree with your post! Colleges are not looking to "save students money" instead the main goal for colleges is to get a ridiculous amount of money from students to pay for things such as books and classes.

  3. This fast course is really doesn't worth it. All of the knowledge in such a short time, it just hard to obtain it all. And the money problem, you're right that we couldn't save any money at all.

  4. This fast course is really doesn't worth it. All of the knowledge in such a short time, it just hard to obtain it all. And the money problem, you're right that we couldn't save any money at all.
